Graven Hill, Cherwell
Ellen led the planning strategy to deliver a successful outline planning application for an Urban Extension of 1900 dwellings. Development also included a Local Centre including a 2 Form Entry Primary School, a community hall, retail units, a supermarket, a hotel, and Office, Light Industrial, Research and Development, Storage and Distribution floorspace. The development required public open space, associated Highway Improvement works, Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems; Biodiversity Improvements; Public Transport Improvements and Services Infrastructure.

Graven Hill; largest Self Build scheme in Europe
Consent for a new rail served Fulfilment Centre building providing 70,400sqm of operational floorspace was also obtained to safeguard operational capability. Ellen devised a strategy to promote the site through the local plan process, delivered successful community and stakeholder engagement and negotiated the application process including the viability of the site resulting in a section 106 legal agreement acceptable to all parties.