Our Services
Development Appraisals
A Development Appraisal should be the first step in any planning process. It analyses the constraints and opportunities of the physical site, planning history, site access, flood risk, surrounding land uses/allocations, relevant policy, housing/commercial supply, likely ecology concerns and makes an assessment of the development potential. The information gathered is then used to recommend an appropriate consenting route.
We have extensive experience in all consenting routes, whether full, outline, hybrid, Listed Building, Conservation Area or one of consent order routes. We will clearly and honestly explain the potential opportunities and risks, and expertly craft a comprehensive planning submission, guide the project through the determination period and negotiate with all key stakeholders to achieve a successful and deliverable consent.
Application Process Management
The quickest passage through the system is achieved by strong process management. We offer, and strongly advise, that the planning lead is tasked with managing and liaising with the entire project team to ensure exceptional quality and timeliness of input from all disciplines to enable the positive assessment of the submitted information, in the shortest timeframe possible.
Land Promotion
Some sites require promotion through the local plan system. This is usually a long term process and can involve responding to a Call for Sites, or a Strategic Land assessment like a SHLAA. Presenting a compelling case for development at these stages can move a previously undevelopable site to one with a clear path to transformation.
Planning Appeals
It is important to note that we have never had an application refused. If you have, we offer an assessment and review service to honestly tell you whether we feel you have a reasonable chance of overturning a refusal notice or not. If we feel that you do, and you would like us to pursue an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate we shall do so.
Planning Objections
Occasionally it is necessary to act to safeguard your own interests against proposed development.
We will give you a clear analysis of any perceived risk and design an appropriate course of action to address concerns with all relevant stakeholders.
Prior Approval/Demolition
Some acts, including some demolition, that are covered under permitted development rights require Prior Approval. This requires submitting a request to the LPA. We can tell you what you need to know to ensure you do not fall foul of this process.
Certificate of Lawful Development
A LDC is a legal document stating the lawfulness of past, present or future development. A Certificate of Lawful Existing Development, or a Certificate of Lawful Proposed Development, can be used to regulate existing or proposed development to certificate its lawfulness and that no further planning permission is required.